What is a Self-Adhering Roofing system?
A self-adhering roofing system is comprised of a nailable base or self-adhering ply base with a top surface designed to accept a self-adhering roofing membrane, a self-adhering mid ply and a self-adhering cap sheet. CertainTeed’s Flintlastic® SA self-adhering product line is manufactured with premium quality materials, and the roof system specifications have been engineered to provide roofs that offer excellent longevity and performance.
What are the advantages of a Self-Adhering Roofing system?
Self-adhering roofing systems offer several advantages for contractors: no torches, no hot asphalt, no fumes and no mess — all of which means application is much cleaner and faster. Self-adhering roofs are also environmentally friendly because there are no volatile organic compounds in the material. Other advantages of self-adhering roofing systems are the ease of application, minimal equipment requirements and a cleaner work environment.

Flintlastic® SA NailBase
CertainTeed's Flintlastic® SA NailBase in a self-adhering system permits complete mechanical attachment to nailable substrates, preserving the integrity of the substrate for future tear-offs and adding additional waterproofing performance capabilities to the overall system. Flintlastic SA NailBase also adds to the fire resistance of the roof system, enabling UL Listing of the roof system.

Flintlastic® SA PlyBase
Flintlastic® SA PlyBase is designed for use as a base or interply in fully self-adhered systems or hybrid systems with a torch-applied cap. It is intended for use over Flintlastic SA NailBase or directly self-adhered to suitable substrates.

Flintlastic® SA Cap
CertainTeed Flintlastic® SA roofing membrane is a premium, self-adhering
SBS modified bitumen roofing material suitable for use in accordance with CertainTeed specifications for most low-slope roof system applications.